Friday, April 22, 2011

Food brings people together

As most of us prepare for Easter weekend, many of us will partake in a meal, whether we prepare it ourselves or just gobble it up and praise the cook who takes hours of his or her time preparing it, we will eat belly-warmin', home-cooked food. Isn't it funny how food has always been, since the dawn of time, and will probably always remain at the center of our culture and cultures worldwide? We seem to find any excuse to get a group of people together to share in food, be it appetizers or a turkey dinner. We celebrate birthdays, graduations, new jobs, new babies, new houses, sporting events and holidays with food. People now like to have dinner parties to watch a favorite show. My roomate in college, Amy, and I would always make black beans and rice for dinner on the nights when The Bachelor was on television. What I feel underlies this way about us as a people is tradition and stability. The coming together of people over a meal, be it two or two hundred, promotes bonds of ideas and feelings. When you sit at a table with family or friends, you can look around at each person and feel connected to them as your share in a meal with them. Time stands still for a few short minutes as everyone eats and enjoys flavors new or old to them and has the ablility to relax. In our fast-paced society, I don't think many of us know how to take a minute and breath. I am definitely calling the kettle black on this one. I am definitely the one who likes to stay busy and serve and make sure presentation is set for all. But, when I do just sit and relax and enjoy the event, it sure does make an impression on me and stays with me in my memory. The value of a meal in someone's home goes far beyond satisfying the sense of hunger and reaches in to the emotions and sense of belonging with those you choose to serve. So, if you are the one cooking this weekend, then hats off to you and try to stop for a moment and enjoy your guests and realize what you have done for them. And if you are the lucky ones who just get to enjoy the fruits of the cook's labor, then remember to thank them graciously for their work. Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Love the memories we've shared around coffee tables, dining room tables, restaurant booths, picnic tables, and probably even in the car...great good + great friends=beautiful moments!
